About Us
The National Designated Authority (NDA) is an interface for climate Funds. Currently it is a focal point for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and Adaptation Fund (AF). The NDA manages processes and operations related to these Funds in Zambia. It coordinates all climate change programming and financing to ensure that the projects are within the development priorities of the country. It implements the No-objection letter which means that the project or programme is in conformity with the country’s national priorities, strategies and plans.
Background to the NDA?
The GCF was established in 2010 to provide technical and financial support to climate programmes and projects in developing countries. For the GCF to engage with countries, National Designated Authorities (NDA) were appointed as a requirement.
In the case of Zambia, the National Designated Authority was established by Cabinet Office in August 2015. The NDA was operationalised through a project office under Development Planning Department in the Ministry of National Development Planning.

What we do
It coordinates all climate change programming and financing in Zambia for purposes of ensuring that the projects are within the development priorities for Zambia;
The following are the specific responsibilities of the National Designated Authority:
Recommend to the GCF Board and other financiers, funding proposals in the context of national priorities climate change projects and plans;
Facilitate the communication of nominations of National Implementing Entities (NIEs) to be accredited to the Fund;
Seek to ensure consistency of funding proposals from national, subnational, regional and international intermediaries and implementing entities with national plans and strategies;
Implement the no-objection procedure; and act as the focal point for Fund communication;
Communicate the country’s National Development Plan (NDP) strategic priorities for financing and be a clearing house for projects submission to the GCF or other financiers within the context of the development agenda;
Coordinate and develop long and medium term financing strategic framework for all climate change initiatives based on country NDP priorities;
Coordinate the adherence of a policy framework that ensures that financing of climate change is within the National Visioning process;
Provide climate change proofing policy and technical guidelines to sector planning units;
Coordinate the identification of climate change programs that are within country priorities for inclusion in the NDP process and submission for international financing and implementation;
Within the National Planning framework, ensure the coordination, integration and mainstreaming of climate change into the national development planning process;
Monitor and evaluate the performance and impact of national initiatives in the climate change process;
Co-ordinate baseline research and development of all climate change initiatives to ensure focused application of financing, avoid duplication of effort and build lessons over a period for improved programming, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting;
Develop an advocacy, awareness, education and communication (IEC), marketing and promotion of the NDA by designing promotion materials, program and process on climate change issues;
Develop and maintain a Management Information Systems (MIS) and database on climate change processes for planning purposes;
Establish a strategic interface between public and private sector investment in climate change issues in order to actualize the identified growth potentials;
In collaboration with sector ministries, identify strategic public sector interventions in various sectors of the economy;
High level Strategic Investment promotion; and
Responsible for the approval of projects/investments for the GCF and other financiers.
Our Team
Office of the national coordinator
Heads the National Designated Authority (NDA) project team and is responsible for all Green Climate Fund (GCF) related climate change programming and financing in Zambia.
Economic Sector Specialist
Responsible for all Green Climate Fund (GCF) related economic sector Climate Change Programming and Financing.
Social Sector Specialist
Responsible for all Green Climate Fund (GCF) related social sector Climate Change Programming and Financing.
M & E Specialist
The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist coordinates and oversees the design and implementation of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) tools and systems.
Information Education & Communication Officer
The role of the Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) officer focuses on ensuring effective communication and dissemination of accurate and updated information related to the NDA’s objectives to stakeholders at different levels.